I think it’s best to establish a lot of obtainable goals with varying time committments related to them. I want short, quick, obtainable goals in order to have some short term success to envoke some form of self-motivation through success. I also want to define some long-term goals, so that I ensure that I have a solid footing on what the big picture will be.
I will create a tracking page for these, but below are some items that I look forward to acheiving.
Follow the link below to see my various lists of goals.
Weight Goals
300, 275, 250, 225, and 200 – These are general weight values that I haven’t seen in many years. Some have even been decades. I’m filled with optimism when I start pondering what life will be like at these weights.
317 pounds – This weight represents a common value I saw when attempting to lose weight with other programs. To know that I’m down to that weight will be knowing I’m working a continued step in the right direction.
300 pounds – This weight represents a personal milestone in that it means I can use any scale at my doctor’s office. It’s embarassing when I go in for my normal checkup and then have to leave the exam room, because the scale in that room doesn’t go above 300 pounds. I look forward to telling the nurse, “Oh no…we can weigh in here!” When we make that march out to the large scale, I can’t help but feel like cattle being herded to scale before the slaughter…there’s some self confidence I look forward to recapturing when I hit this mark.
288 pounds – This weight would represent the lowest I remember being in the last 15 years. It was acheived during a run with Weight Watchers about 6-7 years ago. To hit this weight again (and less) would be a huge win for me, mentally. This is a huge goal for me.
240 pounds – This will be a huge goal for me. We’re talking high school weight now. I haven’t seen this side of 250 in probably 20 years. When I was in high school, I lifted weights regularly and competed in various lifting events and my weigh-ins were typically 240 +/- 5 pounds.
More lists to come….
Goals are important. I hit my first goal of 350 the other day. That put me at 41 pounds lost. Next goal for me is 325. Here’s to sticking it out and helping to encourage each other to stay the course.
As they say in Water Boy – You Can Do It!!!!!