Week 14 Results: 6.5 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 326.0
Current Weight: 319.5
Total Weight Loss: 22.5

Nice rebound.

Feeling good. Feeling focused. Looking forward to continued success. I’m optimistic that I’ve righted the ship.

More to come…

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 14 Results

Week 13 Results: 5.5 Gain

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 320.5
Current Weight: 326.0
Total Weight Loss: 16.0

Ouch. I can’t say I’m surprised. I did log the food I ate. And, I know what activities that weren’t logged because I didn’t do them.

I don’t have much to say. I could make excuses to rationalize how this happened (weighing in the evening vs the morning…lots of beer this week during my vacation….extra 500-1,000 calories consumed daily….little planned activity other than some yardwork….”earning” that beer, or two, after the yardwork….not exercising since “I’ve already done all that yardwork”). It sounds like I’ve redone my entire landscaping in 1 week, when in reality, I’ve overstated and overjustified what it represented.

I think it’s ironic that I then read this today…..Taking Back Control

I also feel the need to state this and I want to state it with the sentiment that I’m trying not to be a jerk, but more of a stream-of-consciousness sentiment….I am not posting this weigh-in in the vein of hoping to receive comments of “It’s OK” or “You can do it!”. Nor do I want to scare anyone from posting a comment at all (I sincerely appreciate them!!!!). I’m posting this so that I can stop thinking about it (purely selfish reasons). I need to state it and move on. This is part of the accountability I agreed to many weeks ago. I do know that it’s OK and that I can do it. Hoping to not sound like a jack ass, but I have heard it, know it, aware of it, and about half-assed believe it.

I will continue to give it a go and do my best to not be full of shit. All past sins have been forgiven. I’m moving on.

More to come…

(Now that I have had my armband back for a full week, I will post a screenshot of the week tomorrow)

Week 10 Results: 1.5 Gain

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 321.0
Current Weight: 322.5

My head was not in it for the majority of last week, having slid back into some dark habits of self-loathing, self-defeating mindsets. While those may not be the most accurate of words, it definitely hits the nail on the head with where my mind was. I had lost focus.

On Thursday, I checked my weight, knowing full, well what my habits had done. It was a moment of accountability. It was a slap in the face, as I was faced with the unravelling of weeks of work. I was up 4 pounds.

I opted to get off my ass and do something to stop this trend backwards into the madness. I busted my ass doing yard work for the last two days. Thankfully, I have seemed to have stopped my trend.

I mentioned last week that I could see some habits creeping back in (remember my laziness posting the update on Thursday). And I was right.

This weeks goal….again…to stay focused. I need to focus on the success I have had and remember what’s motivating me to continue. This week, I just need to stay on target.

More to come :)

You can see the calorie deficit that is shown still shows improvement, but I attribute a lot of that number to the deficit achieved over the last two / three days of 2k (almost 3k).

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 10 Results

Week 9 Results: 0.5 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 321.5
Current Weight: 321.0

Holy slacker this week….I started this on Sunday. You’d think I was writing some 50 page report on something. I really need to get my head back into this. I’m allowing this to not be THE PRIORITY for me right now. And it needs to be. It needs to be!

On the bright side, I didn’t think I had any weight change until I went to log this. Yay for 1/2 a pound :) .

I know my activity was low, stress level was high, and sleep was low. These are three big killers to a successful week.

But, this will not deter me. This is a crock-pot, not a microwave journey.

This weeks goal….to stay focused. I can see some mental habits trying to creep back in. I need to focus on the success I have had and remember what’s motivating me to continue. This week, I just need to stay on target.

More to come :)

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 9 Results

Week 8 Results: 2.0 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 323.5
Current Weight: 321.5

Broke the 20 pound barrier this week! And, I did make it to the gym this week. I enjoyed the elliptical. It was a nice change of pace, and I was able to challenge myself. I also hit the free weights a bit and was sore the next day (or two really). I haven’t felt a soreness like that since high school, when I used to lift weights daily. I had missed that feeling of accomplishment that comes with the soreness. You can be assured that I will be visiting it again for a similar session or two.

And, I did track most of my exercise this week, though I think I missed a bit and will give it another go this week. This is just supplemental information to help better understand the statistical information shown below (which I can get to a daily breakdown, even an hourly flow).

This weeks goal….to document some short, middle, and long term goals. Speaking of goals… 317 pounds will be a major milestone for me and it’s within my grasp now. It’s going to be an exciting week or two coming up!

More to come :)

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app.

Week 8 Results

Week 7 Results: 2.0 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 325.5
Current Weight: 323.5

I’m pleased with the results. I continue to log my food daily. My app (Lose It!) has reminded me of that achievement too, as I’ve logged 8 weeks in a row now. I will say that many days I ate more than my target calorie consumption, but I did up the activity quite a bit. Activity was boosted, as we had another weekend at Cub Scout Camp (which is why this log entry is a day late).

My goal for this week is to utilize the gym twice this week. I am paying for it after all. Today is my off day, as I’ve logged 15-20k steps over the last 4 days, much less the cardio activity I had with playing some sports, hiking, etc. My goal is to hit the elliptical on Wednesday and Thursday this week. My goal is also to log my actual activity this week, instead of just monitoring my calories burned through my gadgets :P .

More to come :)

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have. I will review what it will take to just post calories themselves into the BodyMedia app.

Week 7 Results

Week 6 Results: 2.0 Gain

Starting weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 323.5
Current Weight: 325.5

So…my sense of control went into the shitter this week. While I did have control over my consumption, I did have a big setback and interruption to my routine. It was due to an issue at work that caused me to work a lot this week to correct (60-70 hours this week) and to boot, it was a problem that I caused and it had very high visibility. To say that this caused some stress is an extreme understatement. I’m sure this impacted my progress significantly, but I do think that I have corrected the work issue and things are calming down / getting back on track.

The other post-mortem I can comment on is that due to my work week being what it was, I chose to half-ass a lot of the workouts I did do. While I did do my routine amount of exercise, I really did not hit my “normal” target burn. I know during my working hours, my step count was horrid (usually run about 7-8k per work day and it was half of that).

To boot, I did have a cookout with some neighbors where I had a few beers, some chips, and I failed to journal all of it. I’m fairly certain I ate about 1-2k more calories than I had budgeted for the day.

I can also comment on the following thoughts….

  • I believe I will encounter times like this for the rest of my life, but as long as I actively monitor and react daily… overall, that’s success.
  • That 2 pounds is nothing in the grand scheme and once I hit my summit, +/- 2 pounds is an acceptable maintenance fluctuation.
  • I need to evaluate how much I will let sudden “distractions” like work, emergencies, etc, impact my journey.
  • Better planning and follow through on short-term goals (ie. last week targeting hitting the 20 lb lost mark).
  • It’s like I said to Gretchen last night. It is what it is. I will continue to execute the journey and continue on with my focus. Just like the last “hiccup”, this will not deter me from my path.

    I’ll also get back to posting some additional log entries this week (at least one general post and one food log from last week, in all it’s glory)…

    I am going to hold off on progress photo’s this week. I will post some next week.

    More to come :)

    Week 5 Results: 0.5 Loss

    Starting weight: 342.0
    Previous Weight: 324.0
    Current Weight: 323.5

    I had a good week overall. Feeling in control. I will say that I did not focus on activity this week. While I did achieve daily activity, I half-assed the intensity of the activity. This was mostly due to the recovery my feet needed after the the weekend of walking at the camp. I am looking forward to doing that again at the end of the month when we go to family camp.

    I also pushed my calorie limit closer to my daily target (and a couple days over). To date, I was having a tendancy to eat several hundred calories under and I’m not sure what I feel on that. FYI, my target daily calories is 2,100, but I was typically eating 1,600-1,800 calories in past weeks, with this week hitting 2,000-2,200 calories. I understand the concept that I’ve read about putting my metabolism into a survival mode when not enough basal ratio of calories are consumed. But, I fight against getting into the habit of eating healthy, nutritious food (including what I want even if it’s not the most nutritious thing at the moment) and stopping when I’m comfortable versus eating to a target number and stopping then. I prefer the former, and I think this factored into my results this week. I’d also state that I’ve spent 36 years of eating well over the point where I’m comfortable and it’s tough for me to rationalize that it’s OK to eat beyond comfort, “but not too much, as I only need 400 more calories”. There’s a lot of food / crap I could fit into 400 calories and get back into the habit of eating when / what I don’t really want to eat.

    This week…

  • I will strive to hit my daily target for intensity (30 min per day moderate activity and 15 min of vigorous activity). This is achievable.
  • I will eat to my comfort level and let the calories lie where they may, as long as I don’t go over.
  • This week, I will reach the 20 lb mark.