Week 11 Results: 1.5 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 322.5
Current Weight: 321.0

I’m getting back on track mentally. Some days it is a challenge to remember, but I did take some of the comments to heart last week and did a bit more activity and cycled my calories (one day 1500, next day 2400, etc). It appears to have paid off. We will see how this continues this week too!

One thing I can attest to is that the BodyMedia CORE armband that I had (note the tense) is not to be worn while swimming. It wasn’t until after about an hour at the pool on Father’s Day with the family that I realized I still had it on. While it appeared to make some beeps and preliminarily appear OK, it died that night. I was without it for the majority of this week. I felt very out of sync from what my habit has been. While I have been tracking my food with another app, I felt somewhat blind to how many steps and/or activity I’ve had that day. Nothing that I think is detrimental, as I still evaluated it the old fashioned way, but still….it’s nice having gadgets sometimes. :)

More to come :)

You can see the calorie deficit that is shown still shows improvement, but I attribute a lot of that number to the deficit achieved over the last two / three days of 2k (almost 3k).

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 10 Resultsf

Week 10 Results: 1.5 Gain

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 321.0
Current Weight: 322.5

My head was not in it for the majority of last week, having slid back into some dark habits of self-loathing, self-defeating mindsets. While those may not be the most accurate of words, it definitely hits the nail on the head with where my mind was. I had lost focus.

On Thursday, I checked my weight, knowing full, well what my habits had done. It was a moment of accountability. It was a slap in the face, as I was faced with the unravelling of weeks of work. I was up 4 pounds.

I opted to get off my ass and do something to stop this trend backwards into the madness. I busted my ass doing yard work for the last two days. Thankfully, I have seemed to have stopped my trend.

I mentioned last week that I could see some habits creeping back in (remember my laziness posting the update on Thursday). And I was right.

This weeks goal….again…to stay focused. I need to focus on the success I have had and remember what’s motivating me to continue. This week, I just need to stay on target.

More to come :)

You can see the calorie deficit that is shown still shows improvement, but I attribute a lot of that number to the deficit achieved over the last two / three days of 2k (almost 3k).

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 10 Results

Week 9 Results: 0.5 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 321.5
Current Weight: 321.0

Holy slacker this week….I started this on Sunday. You’d think I was writing some 50 page report on something. I really need to get my head back into this. I’m allowing this to not be THE PRIORITY for me right now. And it needs to be. It needs to be!

On the bright side, I didn’t think I had any weight change until I went to log this. Yay for 1/2 a pound :) .

I know my activity was low, stress level was high, and sleep was low. These are three big killers to a successful week.

But, this will not deter me. This is a crock-pot, not a microwave journey.

This weeks goal….to stay focused. I can see some mental habits trying to creep back in. I need to focus on the success I have had and remember what’s motivating me to continue. This week, I just need to stay on target.

More to come :)

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app. Also note, I miskeyed the weight and can’t figure out how to correct it. Body Media could really improve their Activity Manager app to be a bit more user friendly for these types of things.

Week 9 Results

The List: Weight Goals…

I think it’s best to establish a lot of obtainable goals with varying time committments related to them. I want short, quick, obtainable goals in order to have some short term success to envoke some form of self-motivation through success. I also want to define some long-term goals, so that I ensure that I have a solid footing on what the big picture will be.

I will create a tracking page for these, but below are some items that I look forward to acheiving.

Follow the link below to see my various lists of goals.

Continue reading

Week 8 Results: 2.0 Loss

Starting Weight: 342.0
Previous Weight: 323.5
Current Weight: 321.5

Broke the 20 pound barrier this week! And, I did make it to the gym this week. I enjoyed the elliptical. It was a nice change of pace, and I was able to challenge myself. I also hit the free weights a bit and was sore the next day (or two really). I haven’t felt a soreness like that since high school, when I used to lift weights daily. I had missed that feeling of accomplishment that comes with the soreness. You can be assured that I will be visiting it again for a similar session or two.

And, I did track most of my exercise this week, though I think I missed a bit and will give it another go this week. This is just supplemental information to help better understand the statistical information shown below (which I can get to a daily breakdown, even an hourly flow).

This weeks goal….to document some short, middle, and long term goals. Speaking of goals… 317 pounds will be a major milestone for me and it’s within my grasp now. It’s going to be an exciting week or two coming up!

More to come :)

Below is a screenshot showing what my daily averages are in the various categories tracked by my armband. FYI, I track my food in an independent app that is much easier than the app they have, but the caloric values are plugged into the BodyMedia app.

Week 8 Results

Make it a game…

One thing that has helped me with keeping moving and having a daily focus on activity is the ability to make a game out of it.

Here are some ways that I do this….

    • Pedometer – Each day / week, I try to hit a best. Either beat the day before. The previous week. Can I hit my highest for the week today? It’s a small way to challenge myself. What if I park further away at work? How far from the church can I park before Gretchen comments? FYI, it turns out to be pretty far!
    • There’s an App for that!- Any of you that know me, know that I’m a technology buff. I love playing with new toys, gadgets, games, etc. So it’s in my nature to turn my journey into a game with my apps….trying this app….reviewing that app….looking for one that has all the features that I want. There are many that meet the basic needs, but I’m all about ease and speed of use.  I’ll write up some app reviews for those interested.
    • Find a Friend – If you don’t have someone already (I have Gretchen) that will push you to do your best, you need to find one. Someone to challenge you. Someone to set a target and see if you can beat it. Often Gretchen and I compare our daily step or burn rates and I know both of us often think, “HA! Beat you today!” It helps give me a target by keeping it a little competitive.

No matter the way you find to keep challenging yourself, part of the challenge has to involve setting short, obtainable goals.  Hitting a goal for the day will help keep you motivated and inspired to keep going on the journey.  If all you focus on is losing 150 pounds in the next year and a half, it will be a long and boring journey, which you will likely not finish.

Make it fun.  Make it a game.  Challenge yourself.