
So, I had stated previously that last week wasn’t an “overly challenging” week.  This week, while it has been much of the same, it has presented many challenges.  Challenges in the forms of temptations.   Temptations to indulge in things I’ve earned.

“What’s wrong with having another 200 or 300 calories in snacks today….I’ve earned it!”.  The reality is that I haven’t earned squat.  I can say that I have earned the weight I carry with me everyday.

Too many times, I was putting off exercising until later.  “I have had a long day…I worked so hard at the office….I’ve earned a break today!”  This brought out my internal Bob Harper each time, who promptly starting jumpin on my case about putting off my exercise for the day.  Good thing I realized what was going on mentally and seized the opportunity to suck it up and do what must be done.

If you find yourself in my shoes, facing this lifestyle change, I can only recommend to embrace the change.  Stop trying to justify the extras with the same excuses that have gotten you into this position.  It’s no longer a choice.  This is what must be done.

FYI, to coordinate some reporting, etc, I have moved weigh-in’s to Sundays.  More to come!